This website, Tops International Arena (the "Site"), and all personal information collected from users of this Site, are owned solely by Concours Hippique Valkenswaard BV. In this Privacy Policy, references to "we", "us", "our", are references to Concours Hippique Valkenswaard BV.
We take the privacy of all our users very seriously. This Privacy Policy outlines how we manage your personal information and forms part of the Terms and Conditions of our Site. This Privacy Policy applies only to this Site, and not to the collection and use of personal information by any third party via any website to which there are links on this Site. We are not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites.
By using this Site, you are giving your consent to us collecting and using personal information about you in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You may access this Site's homepage and browse the Site without disclosing any personal data. In order to provide you with a range of services, however, we may collect personal information from this Site, via written information sent to us and from other communications. We may for example, keep a record of your name, email address, telephone number and online preferences.
Any personal data relating to you will be used and recorded by us in accordance with current data protection legislation and this Privacy Policy. We may use your personal information to communicate with you, such as to let you know about new information regarding Concours Hippique Valkenswaard BV, for record keeping purposes, and in aggregate (in which case you are anonymous) for market research purposes, to track activity on our site, to improve usefulness and content.
We may operate a mailing list to send you Concours Hippique Valkenswaard BV related news. This mailing list currently operates as an 'opt in' mailing list whereby subscribers add themselves to the list. We only send emails to addresses which have been subscribed to the list. If you wish to unsubscribe from the list, please follow the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. We do not share, license or sell these e-mail addresses.
We reserve the right to disclose your personal information to anyone who may take over the running of the Site or who may purchase any or all of our assets including your personal information. We reserve the right to disclose your personal information to any law enforcement agency requesting it in connection with the commission of any offence, once we are reasonably satisfied as to the circumstances surrounding the request. We also reserve the right to access and disclose your personal information in order to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests, to operate our systems properly or to protect our users and ourselves.


We always aim to improve the services we offer. As a result we may occasionally canvass our customers using surveys. Participation in surveys is voluntary, and you are under no obligation to reply to any survey you might receive from us. Should you choose to do so, we will treat the information you provide with the same high standard of care as all other customer information.


Your participation on our Site may mean that we occasionally contact you with the opportunity to enter competitions. Entry to competitions is voluntary, and you are under no obligation to take up an invitation from us to enter. Should you choose to enter a competition, we will treat the information you provide with the same high standard of care as all other customer information.

Correcting and Updating Personal Information

If your personal information changes, or if you believe that the personal data we hold about you is incorrect, you may ask us to correct or update the personal information held by us by sending an email to: [email protected]

Site and Service Updates

We may send you Site and service announcements or updates. You cannot unsubscribe from service announcements, as they will contain important information about the services provided on the Site.

Notification of Changes

We may occasionally modify our Privacy Policy, and when this happens, we will notify you via our homepage.